程式語言教學誌: Objective-C 入門指南- NSArray 介紹Objective-C 的NSArray 類別。 ... NSArray 是常用的陣列(array) 物件(object) ,屬於不可變(immutable) 的物件種類,裡頭可以放任何的型態的物件 建立NSArray ...
Programming with Objective-C: Values and Collections 2012年12月13日 - It's possible to declare a C-style array in Objective-C, but you'll find that collections in Cocoa and .... unsigned int scalarUnsigned = [unsignedNumber unsignedIntValue];.
iphone - Making an array of Objects in Objective-C. - Stack Overflow Been playing around with XCode for about 2 weeks now, and reading about ... Arrays in Objective-C with Cocoa/CocoaTouch are quite different from Java.
Programming with Objective-C: About Objective-C Blocks Simplify Common Tasks Blocks are a language feature introduced to C, Objective- C and C++ to ...
NSArray - Ry's Objective-C Tutorial - RyPress NSArray is Objective-C's general-purpose array type. ... method concatenates each element of the array into a string, separating them by the specified symbol(s).
Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) — Clang 3.7 documentation Retainable object pointers This section describes retainable object pointers, their basic operations, and the restrictions imposed on their use under ARC. Note in particular that it covers the rules for pointer values (patterns of bits indicating the loca
Is array of Object possible in Objective C? - Stack Overflow I'm quite new to objective-c. I have problems when creating array of ... SomeClass[] instance = new SomeClass[10]; instance[i].var=10;.
Creating an array of custom objects in Objective C - Stack Overflow Your for loop code is correct with the exception of deallocating myPerson at the end of the loop. You do not want to deallocate it since the object is ...
iphone - Properties of objects on array (Objective-c) - Stack Overflow Try this. STEP 1 : Cast it to the appropriate object type first s *myS = (s *)[array objectAtIndex:0]; b *myB = (b *)[array objectAtIndex:1]; c *myC = (c ...
NSArray Class Reference - Apple Developer 17 Sep 2014 ... Describes an immutable ordered collection of objects. ... Objective-C ... NSMutableArray manage ordered collections of objects called arrays.